Spokane Salmon Restoration Collaborative Updates

January 15, 2024

Recognition Package

A Spokane River Watershed Lead Entity recognition request was submitted to GSRO, including initiating
government resolutions and support letters. The name selected for the Lead Entity is Spokane Salmon
Restoration Collaborative (SSRC).

Technical Team

Technical Team meetings were held on October 26th and December 6th. Meeting activities focused on:

  • Review of Cramer Fish Sciences (CFS) EDT Data Gaps Analysis and Collection Protocols for The
    Spokane River Subbasin
  • EDT data collection needs, including:
    • identification of team leads
    • selection of sampling locations
    • development of protocols
    • equipment list
    • options for inputting field data and data storage.

Follow-up meetings with technical team members and CFS were held. In addition, a need for CFS to
develop a sampling design for temperature logger, habitat survey, and fish community environmental
DNA (eDNA) sampling locations was identified.

In parallel with EDT model development, the technical team is collaboratively identifying and reviewing
habitat projects that support native redband trout and salmon reintroduction. The technical team
supports seeking funding for the Waikiki Spring Creek Restoration and Fish Passage Improvement
project on the Little Spokane River.

Further, Trout Unlimited requested and received a support letter for Ecology funding of their Hangman
Creek Restoration at Grouse Creek Ranch – Phase 1. This project is designed to improve floodplain
function, water quality, and habitat for native redband trout and salmon reintroduction efforts.


Regular verbal and email communication has occurred with stakeholders, the technical team and
interested entities. Progress on developing a video conveying the history of salmon in the Spokane
watershed continues.


The Spokane Tribe hired a Fisheries Habitat Biologist, Caleb McGivney, to serve as Lead Entity